Home » What is Amazon A+ Content (Previously Amazon Enhanced Brand Content) and How to Use It

What is Amazon A+ Content (Previously Amazon Enhanced Brand Content) and How to Use It

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As lucrative as Amazon can be, it’s a hard place to build your brand. A majority of Amazon shoppers are brand agnostic. In fact, 65% of surveyed consumers said they would feel comfortable buying from names they’ve never heard of before on marketplaces like Amazon.

Amazon A+ Content, however, provides a golden opportunity to showcase your brand with an outstanding product listing page. With it, you can increase your credibility and help customers better distinguish between your company and other competitors. Here’s how.

What is A+ Content?

A+ Content is a tool that’s only available to brands enrolled in Amazon’s Brand Registry, or to sellers who participate in special Amazon programs, like Launchpad or Amazon Exclusive.

It’s free for eligible sellers, unless they opt for Premium A+ features (video, interactive content, etc.), which are only available to vendors at a hefty price.

A+ content grants you access to special layouts, text, images, charts, and other multimedia to spruce up your Amazon product descriptions. It’s a self-service tool located in Seller Central, with the ability to boost your product sales by an average of 3% to 10%, according to Amazon.

Previously, A+ Content was reserved for first-party vendors. Its equivalent for third-party sellers was called Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). But these two features have since merged into one program to help enhance seller listings.

Top benefits of A+ content

A+ Content doesn’t exist simply to make your Amazon listing look pretty. It serves a variety of purposes, ranging from better brand control to greater customer satisfaction. Here are a few key benefits to keep in mind.

Reinforced branding

By creating a more visually appealing, branded experience, you can help shoppers remember your name. You can switch the narrative from “I bought this from Amazon” to “I bought this from [your company].”

Reduced bounce rate

A+ Content gives you the advantage of eye-catching visuals and informative text blocks, which help you grab the attention of shoppers who are just skimming through your listing.

More sales

By publishing more professional images, you can build trust and credibility in your brand. Additionally, you can provide helpful guides (like size charts) to make buyers feel more confident in the product they’re about to buy.

Fewer returns

Because A+ Content allows shoppers to make more informed decisions from the get-go, customers are less likely to return their products due to misaligned expectations.

5 ways to use A+ Content

1) Increase brand credibility

How did your company get its start? What does your team aim to do? Sharing your company’s mission, values, and/or origin story is one way to connect with your buyers.

For instance, this listing for the ThunderShirt Sport Dog Anxiety Jacket mentions how “it all started with a dog named Dosi over ten years ago! Dosi was terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks, and her family wanted to help. Fast forward a few months, and they had created the ThunderShirt.”

This not only demonstrates the brand’s expertise in pet care, but also gets the customer invested in the brand.

2) Answer customer questions

One of the best ways to leverage your A+ Content is by addressing frequently asked questions about your product. Check the questions and reviews sections of your listings, or survey customers directly.

Through this exercise, you may find close-ups of a certain feature or specific instructions for how to care and/or use your product could be helpful.

3) Illustrate true sizing

Plenty of sellers already use A+ Content to display size charts prominently, whether for clothes or items that come in different sizes. Similarly, A+ images can help show what measurements like 65L or 23.62” x 10.83” x 12.99” actually look like.

This listing for a travel duffel bag, for example, includes a picture showing how the duffel bag looks next to a standard suitcase (spoiler: it’s huge).

4) Show how your product is superior

It’s not uncommon for shoppers to land on your listing, only to bounce seconds later and resume their research. A+ Content can help your customers find everything they need in one place.

While it’s against Amazon’s policies to name your competitor directly within your listing, you can use the comparison chart module to highlight other products from your catalog, just in case the product in question doesn’t meet the buyer’s criteria. By highlighting other options or add-on products, you avoid losing a buyer to a competitor.

5) Inspire customers to take action

A+ Content provides plenty of space to show how your product can be used or why your customer may need it right now.

For example, this listing for a pet playpen uses a combination of four images and text to illustrate various scenarios in which a playpen may be necessary.

Or, this listing for Play-Doh offers a cute craft idea. In both instances, customers can more clearly envision themselves making the best use of your products.

Wrapping up — Elevate your Amazon product listings with A+ Content

If you’re eligible to take advantage of this special feature, don’t ignore it. Though it takes some groundwork to set up, the rewards for using A+ content are well worth it. Let these five uses jumpstart your creativity to make the most of Amazon A+ Content.